A Very Special Thank You To The Contestants!!






I wanted to thank everyone by name that entered the contest. I’m happy that there are supporters behind me, ones that are willing to know before anyone else. The Winners of the contest will be announced, on Thursday night! There will be more contest soon, especially for my next project!! It’s important that I serve the people first, and allow them to encounter this journey that I’ve been on. You all mean the world to me, so THANK YOU and make sure you share me with your mutual friends and family!!!


Brittany Dukes


Rashaad Johnson

Fatimah James Hope

Les Mac

Marcus Moore

Calvin St.Yang

Andre Burton

Domonic Williams

Darline Hernandez

Roman Galvan

April Jones

Nikki Yam

Jolivette Robles

Tonya Mabe

Alex Torres

Ryan M.

Jonn Constantino

William Zillions

Ellis Nelson

Deborah Jordan

Kim R. angel Stephens

Niel J. Guilarte

Lesley Costa

Barbara Zimmerman

Kelly Anderson

Athea Cranford

Denise Whelan

Andrea Gray

Nicole Martin

Chinyere Nwogu

Tracie Hill


Ann cheeks

Jazz Singleton

Mike Will

Bernice Taylor

Sharon Simmons

Lcatha Cross

Renee L. Wilson Gaines

Poetess hunni Bunn

Treasure Blue

J.W. Smith

Marrissa Palmer

Kendra Littleton

Joretta Morris

Jonathan Royal

Felicia Ausbon Faulkner

Noel robinson

Kenya Rivers

Shoo Ana Ana

Natasha Walker

Christi Lipsey

Brenda Miller

Judy Richburg

Amy D. Davis

Gail Diamond

Ty Hollins

Courtney Lawson

Lenny St.Fort

Monica Bradley

Eric Joseph

Nancy Costa

Kenyon B. parlor

Fatimah Schoffield

Colette Mobley

Angelia Vernan Menchan

Deborah Cardona Wepa

Qiana Drennen

Birdii Walker Tinsley

Maxim Sense

Craig Chestnut











Disney Fantasy Cruise Ship Hammered by Hurricane Sandy

The same ship I was on in June was the best experience ever, but for the fact that Hurricane sandy took a toll on it, was crazy. When I was last on this ship, they had almost everything you could think of and the best part was that, they musicals were live and the actors were amazing. I hope that everyone remains safe and don’t get in the way of sandy, because she just might bury y’all asses.



I know that everyone in the world remembers the movie ‘Annie’. I have to say that this musical was very on point and it never gets old. There was certainly a message from the movie, that was meant for the public to pick up. I guess the message being relayed is that family is very important, doesn’t matter if you’re from an orphanage. It’s important to stick together when someone is trying to do you wrong. When you have friends/family that can be happy for you, there’s a lot that can happen for the best. Annie wanted her parents so badly, before she realized that someone else wanted to love her. You never know who you need to love you the same, if not more. Life allows things to happen, so the best way to live it is just by exploring and learning new things. It doesn’t hurt to see how someone else may live, if you’re lucky — They’ll accept you!

Getting laid or played?



I shared with a few of my friends where I stand, in the process of my new project (book). Le Promesse is something that will offer most or many readers an adventure. This is a book I’m writing for my significant other and I happened to use a few real friends from my knowing, and make them characters in the book.

Writing a book takes a lot of emotion and thoughts of a very experienced writer. Anybody can write but it takes much to reveal something so great to the world. I used five of my good friends to help relay the message, because I felt that they came very close to what I was looking for in someone that was mature enough to understand.

Whom I fall in love with, I guess that’s just more than my luck. My job is to make sure that ‘prince’ reads the book after we’re together. I’m very worried about how the fans would feel about the book, or if they’d like it. But more importantly I’m contemplating on what my future husband will think about this. I want to bring out all the best and worst features of myself.

The point is to make sure that not just my husband knows who I am, but that the fans get an idea also. I find it very creative that I’m willing to put myself on paper and give you the real me. I don’t feed people bullish*t, so all of this stuff will be real. This by chance and favor, just might be better than “Love&HipHop” and “The Notebook”. Why? Good thing you ask, because there’s nothing fiction about this book. What do you guys think?

The gift of being different and unique!!








Besides the fact of having different fingerprints, I think we all are different. When I mean different, I’m not talking about swag or anything such. I’m talking about personality. One that is blessed to know that they’re different says a lot about the person. If we were all the same this world wouldn’t be boring, it’d be very unoriginal. What I like about my friends are the special features they offer to the world. One person can be outspoken, while another one just watches and observes everything around them. Another one can be in their own world, but at the same time the life of the party. The circle is small but it’s worth it. The best results sometimes is that when you limit yourself to who you hang around, things can get better than they were yesterday.

For example, I met someone this year and his name is JT (the conceited one in orange w/ fitted on). He’s amazing and I’m not saying that because I met him this year, it’s the fact of having someone that can understand you. All of my friends are different but they all have a purpose and a plan. We all want something from life but it’s either you go get it, or you just fail. The mentality we all share, it that “don’t give up” mentality. To throw in the towel like most would be something overrated. How many times can you fight for something and give up, until things don’t go your way?

Jt’s personality is custom made and made right for him. Him and I aren’t the same people but maybe there’s something we all have in common. He’s funny, smart and outgoing. Eric (The cute white boy), he’s amazing because he knows how to create something humorous in the midst of a troubling situation. He’s my little brother and I love all my friends. Sidney (the one in leather black coat) he’s hilarious but inquisitive at the same time. He likes playing music, but he works very hard at being independent for someone that’s so young. There’s a lot of features that they all have that can be mixed in with what I have.

Tasha Renee, the one kissing my cheek. She is funny, loud and very down to earth but why would I stop her from being herself. There’s always something positive about another person that can also bring out the best in you. There’s a lot she can do when she believes in herself, and I believe in her enough o make things happen. She laughs a lot and Im glad she does because she makes things possible for me. I can laugh at anything I want, just because she does it. Wrenggor, the built looking one in the black shirt, he does everything I do. He sings, worships and is always in a world of his own. I love how he’s very at ease and open to hearing the problems of his friends. He’s very selfless and that’s where him and I tie that rope. Shameeka, the one I’m kneeling next to — She’s the sweetest person I know. She can be real with you when she wants, but I’ve grown up with her so we’ve come a long way. She has so much potential, but that’s the principal of being different from one another. I say if your circle isn’t helping you achieve much from life, you need to re-evaluate who’s in it. Most of all if it’s not the circle, than maybe it’s you!!! I’VE BEEN BLESSED WITH THE BEST OF FRIENDS AND I THANK GOD ❤






Is it normal to outgrow the church you attended all your life?

It’s been about nineteen years, since I’ve been alive upon the face of the earth. First, I have to give God the honor and the glory! I thank Christ for dying on the cross for my sins, and for him being so understanding and loving. There are many things that God will always impart in you, and offer you that the church may not offer. God is always bigger than our problems, but there’s something that has been heavy on my heart for a few years now. Forgive me if I hurt feelings, but the truth must be spoken.

Our parents placed us in the church as kids, we attended every sunday and made sure we stayed for second service, also. I know some of you have that pet peeve, where you dislike when the pastor is just babbling and not saying something very interesting. One of my pet peeves, were when I’d hear the same old message for seven sundays straight. I didn’t hate it, but I thought I could be learning something new. I’m a firm believer in Christ, but I like to listen to a pastor that knows what he’s talking about.

Some churches have servants that takes, titles to their heads but I’m not with that at all. Personally, I have adjusted to how bishop T.D Jakes has been preaching. I love how his style of preaching has such a positive effect on me. It’s the fact that when he preaches, he uses the bible stories and gets his point across using it. That is something interesting to me, also for the fact that I can relate to what it is that I’m going through. It’s one thing to go to church and get a word, and not learn anything, but it’s also another thing to go to church and learn something that you can apply to your life.




A church that has to ask for 50 offerings in one sunday is ridiculously crazy. I only say this because there are two main offerings that belongs to God. There’s TITHES (that’s what we owe, 10%) and there’s the regular offering(determines how much you want to give). When a pastor preaches about something you already know, and keeps asking for 10 million offerings — That’s what drives the disciples away.

When you get older, it’s also okay to outgrow your home church because maybe you’re looking for something that suites you more. Now, I’m not saying that you should turn on your church home and forget where you came from. It’s important to always remember where you came from. You wouldn’t have been that person you were today w/o the help of your church home. Sometimes your church home can also turn on you and do things differently. I’ve seen churches that were out of order and I leave that in god’s hands, because I’m no one to judge that!! The purpose of having a church is for the pastor to build relationships with the disciples, and to lead the flock. You can’t lead the flock and not know what’s going on with them, or why you’re losing members.


When you find another church that best suites your praise and worship for God, it’s better that you do that — rather than sitting in the same old place, not feeling sincere about your worship. I will forever believe in God, but right now I’m seeking another church that has what I’ve been looking for. Things change and God won’t get mad at you for trying to find a more suitable way to worship and serve him. You want a church that works as a team with not just the fellowshiping, but the congregation feels strongly positive about where they are.

The Best part about being celebrated!!





The best part about being celebrated is when you get to spend your time with the people that you love. You get to do more than just have fun, and jump around to act stupid. You can be yourself because they accept who you are, and they know what you deserve. I’m grateful because not many people have real friends, but I was blessed with a few real ones. The fact that God has told me that it’s okay to be different, that made my day alright. 

Nothing else matters when you have friends that no longer have that label. They than become family and that blood than becomes thicker than water. A few people that you thought were true friends, maybe they’d come around but they showed themselves. I’d rather have 8 friends than the whole world. I love each and everyone of them that came to celebrate me, on behalf of my life. 

During my birthday dinner, we had so much fun. No one cared that those who missed out wasn’t there. We had fun and pushed those problems in a pile of dust in the corner. We did the electric slide, the wobble, cha cha slide and we danced the night away. Thank you to all that showed up and once again for something that was so “private” it was the greatest encounter ever. 

A Sweet Thank You <3


I just want to say thank you too all my fans, supporters, family, and friends. It means a lot that you thought of me!!!

The Meaning or the wedding rings?

I’ve been taking into account lately, about the arguments over love or marriage. I notice how many people say, you don’t need the rings or a signed document stating that you love your partner. Others feel that the rings and the document needs to be there, just to prove that you love the person. Personally, I think the rings and documents should be there because it has a full-on meaning. You can’t claim to love your partner without showing it through an act.

That’s like a man telling a woman he’s been with for eight years, that he’s not going to pop the question. He feels that the ring isn’t relevant and that it doesn’t say much. Well, that’s a lie because it does mean something. It’s important that whomever chooses to get married does it for the right reasons. You can’t possibly want to just marry someone for a month and just lose the ring like Kim Kardashian. That’s very childish, it comes to show not just the world but God that you could never take marriage seriously. I wouldn’t blame her for getting a divorce anyway, because she wasn’t ready at all. She’s all over the place and is now trying to get in where she fits in. That’s not cool or feminine at all!

About almost all of America gets tired of being single, or just dating. Eventually they fall under the spell of something or someone and marries the person. It’s not that someone’s money caught their love, or maybe it is. The point being is that everyone wants to marry and have kids when they’re good and ready. We don’t want to over populate, but we don’t want to under populate either. The ring signifies something crucial and important. I don’t mind sharing that with you, maybe this can help you understand why the rings and documents are so very important. There are married men that cheat, but there are also good men out there, also.







The purpose of the vows and the rings, are to bring the people together. When you join unions, you’re no longer two different people. You become one under the body of Christ, which calls for working as a team and devoting much of your time to it. The vows that says,’ until death do us part’ was meant to keep the two people together. They have to work through their problems, work through their happiness and work through their struggle together. Also, the ring is to ensure other beings amongst you that, you’re married and found what you’ve been looking for. You can’t snoop around, trying to find someone else to fonder with and you’re wearing those vows around your finger.

The meeting of a union is also, a covenant to God that MUST NOT be broken. The only way you can undo what you did, is by divorcing the person if that’s what you feel. The purpose of marriage was never intended for divorcing your spouse. It was meant to keep you both together and to work things out. Some people want their first wedding to be their last wedding, and that means no marrying other people again. You have faithful women and men, that will be willing to crusade with you and make sure that you remain under one system. You can’t operate by being dictated or controlled by someone that’s trying to give you advice, and their marriage didn’t even last.

Normally, a promise comes with marriage and that’s a kid or 6 dozen. Everyone wants children because they feel that it will bring joy and happiness to them. A baby will do those things but, they won’t fulfill that wish for all the wrong reasons. You don’t want to marry just so you can get the kid and leave your wife or vice versa. A child is meant to be born when everything around not just them, but you and your spouse is very stable. A stable environment and what gives you the most joyous feeling and experience out of just having a baby and being married. You don’t have to feel like you’re going to be tied down, because a married is not meant for “tying someone down” either. Marriage is about forming something so strong, and bonding things that no one can attempt to break. You want a foundation that will build empires and nations for decades to come, so that your children and your children’s children, can understand what it means to make a covenant to God.

Finally, when a man marries a woman, he’s expected to do things that a man does. He holds the key to not just the bank accounts or the house, he provides for his family so that they won’t ever have to go hungry in a million years from now. That’s the power of marriage when two unions are joined together to provide for their offspring, and to keep each other happy. This is why a lot of us women want to get married.