Gee, So much for a toothache!!



You ever get that very bad toothache that makes your head hurt? Yep, well I’ve gotten that and I must say it’s the worst pain that a human being can ever get. It doesn’t mean that someone isn’t brushing their teeth. It means that they’re eating too much junk, and sugar has the power to snag a tooth.

When it comes time to going to the dentist, we all become scared of that one needle. I’ve never had a root-canal, because I never messed up my mouth that bad. This year when I visited the dentist, I had 0 cavities and a free day to get the daily routine brush-up and a pain-free day. The best thing to do is, to go to the dentist and get that tooth checked out, because 9/10 something bad is happening.

You don’t want to wait at the last minute to get checked-out. The worst kind of toothaches are the ones that gives you a migraine and doesn’t allow you to get up from your bed. A toothache is so deadly that it causes death, if you don’t get it checked out. The nerves in your mouth are being damaged and messing up your brain. Be careful as to how much junk food you conceive. This is very important and crucial to our lives.