The Meaning or the wedding rings?

I’ve been taking into account lately, about the arguments over love or marriage. I notice how many people say, you don’t need the rings or a signed document stating that you love your partner. Others feel that the rings and the document needs to be there, just to prove that you love the person. Personally, I think the rings and documents should be there because it has a full-on meaning. You can’t claim to love your partner without showing it through an act.

That’s like a man telling a woman he’s been with for eight years, that he’s not going to pop the question. He feels that the ring isn’t relevant and that it doesn’t say much. Well, that’s a lie because it does mean something. It’s important that whomever chooses to get married does it for the right reasons. You can’t possibly want to just marry someone for a month and just lose the ring like Kim Kardashian. That’s very childish, it comes to show not just the world but God that you could never take marriage seriously. I wouldn’t blame her for getting a divorce anyway, because she wasn’t ready at all. She’s all over the place and is now trying to get in where she fits in. That’s not cool or feminine at all!

About almost all of America gets tired of being single, or just dating. Eventually they fall under the spell of something or someone and marries the person. It’s not that someone’s money caught their love, or maybe it is. The point being is that everyone wants to marry and have kids when they’re good and ready. We don’t want to over populate, but we don’t want to under populate either. The ring signifies something crucial and important. I don’t mind sharing that with you, maybe this can help you understand why the rings and documents are so very important. There are married men that cheat, but there are also good men out there, also.







The purpose of the vows and the rings, are to bring the people together. When you join unions, you’re no longer two different people. You become one under the body of Christ, which calls for working as a team and devoting much of your time to it. The vows that says,’ until death do us part’ was meant to keep the two people together. They have to work through their problems, work through their happiness and work through their struggle together. Also, the ring is to ensure other beings amongst you that, you’re married and found what you’ve been looking for. You can’t snoop around, trying to find someone else to fonder with and you’re wearing those vows around your finger.

The meeting of a union is also, a covenant to God that MUST NOT be broken. The only way you can undo what you did, is by divorcing the person if that’s what you feel. The purpose of marriage was never intended for divorcing your spouse. It was meant to keep you both together and to work things out. Some people want their first wedding to be their last wedding, and that means no marrying other people again. You have faithful women and men, that will be willing to crusade with you and make sure that you remain under one system. You can’t operate by being dictated or controlled by someone that’s trying to give you advice, and their marriage didn’t even last.

Normally, a promise comes with marriage and that’s a kid or 6 dozen. Everyone wants children because they feel that it will bring joy and happiness to them. A baby will do those things but, they won’t fulfill that wish for all the wrong reasons. You don’t want to marry just so you can get the kid and leave your wife or vice versa. A child is meant to be born when everything around not just them, but you and your spouse is very stable. A stable environment and what gives you the most joyous feeling and experience out of just having a baby and being married. You don’t have to feel like you’re going to be tied down, because a married is not meant for “tying someone down” either. Marriage is about forming something so strong, and bonding things that no one can attempt to break. You want a foundation that will build empires and nations for decades to come, so that your children and your children’s children, can understand what it means to make a covenant to God.

Finally, when a man marries a woman, he’s expected to do things that a man does. He holds the key to not just the bank accounts or the house, he provides for his family so that they won’t ever have to go hungry in a million years from now. That’s the power of marriage when two unions are joined together to provide for their offspring, and to keep each other happy. This is why a lot of us women want to get married.