For Without A Plan The People Perish!!




I was sitting in my room writing out the vision that I saw for myself. There was a lot that I wanted to make happen for me and my friends. It’s hard when you are constantly overwhelmed with work and things. That shouldn’t be an excuse as to why we can’t map out a vision and make something good happen for the future. I wanted a bookstore, adult lounge, publishing company, and magazine company all built in one component. No one said it’s going to be easy to get, but that’s why I’m working this hard now for the promise of a better tomorrow. I wish that it all came easy sometimes, but if I got it all easy why would we want what it is that we’re asking for? The purpose is to make a dream happen, without having everything handed over to you. I want to be able to tell my children that I had to work my ass off so that they could get the same things that I have. Knowing the principal of life is very crucial and I’m doing everything I can, to make life just a bit easier than it was yesterday!